Tina, Mafia Soldier
Maria Rosa Cutrufelli, translated by Robin Pickering-Iazzi
"A young girl and a band of little gangsters, unaware of the fragility of their age."
"A young girl and a band of little gangsters, unaware of the fragility of their age."
"Betsy had watched only one episode of The Cutting Board and was not impressed"
"Who is this woman, and why is she so important?"
"Jenna ditched the scooter and is fast-walking down Tenth Street when the phone rings."
"A head with no body. People turn to gape at each other, wanting to see their horror mirrored."
"Mize knew that the outcome of today’s hearing was all about politics. Lady Justice wasn’t blind."
"On the big screen above the bar, two teams were playing for the World Cup, and I'm sure somebody somewhere cared about it."
"There’s someone in the house."
"It’s been hard to sleep ever since Ted accepted his dad’s invitation to join him on his new toy: an eighty-five-foot yacht, the Splendid Seas."
"If you don't tell me everything? If there's something to find out? I will find out."
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