The Last Orphan
Gregg Hurwitz
No signs of life, the mansion so large that the backyard was a good quarter mile away."
No signs of life, the mansion so large that the backyard was a good quarter mile away."
"We’re just two fucking leg-breakers hanging out in the dark, sir. Felons, with an unregistered piece."
"It was his job to kill the living. Ford killed the dead."
"Even if the car started moving, even if they reached their destination, they were not going to be fine."
"When I go to crime scenes, I’m ready to focus on terrible things."
"The bell tolls eleven. She feels it in her teeth. Wind harangues the chained-up tables and chairs outside a café, wheezing through the arrow-tipped railings."
"The opportunity was just too good to pass up."
"There’s a crowd at the bar when I get inside, but I hang back, alone, and watch."
"The humid air pulsed with music from a thousand open windows, the live bands in every bar fighting a sonic Ragnarök with the tunes blasting from the cars crawling the 18th Street drag, all of it smashing into a thunderhead of drums and bass you could hear from a half-mile away, beckoning the city’s drunks and partiers: head to Adams Morgan, where all your needs can be satisfied, and all your bad decisions will be washed away tomorrow morning along with the crushed beer cans and half-eaten jumbo slices."
'“They’re dead. Somebody shot ’em in their house.” Nate had just delivered the news as though telling her what he’d had for breakfast.'
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