It’s hard to believe that my first novel was published fifteen years ago this coming June. Over fifty published novels later, I have found my place in publishing writing both contemporary and historical mysteries. I wrote exclusively contemporary mysteries for over ten years but always wanted to write historical as well. There were signs all along the way I would write in that direction. Many of my contemporary mystery series have a historical bent, most notably are my Living History Museum Mystery Series and the Magical Bookshop Mystery Series. However, it would be safe to say that all my books mix in a little history, so it was natural for me to start writing historical mysteries.
My first historical mystery series is the Emily Dickinson Mysteries, and I Died for Beauty, is the latest book.
Many times, I am asked how I can write both contemporary and historical novels and how the experience differs. They truth is the only place the experience differs in the research that is done prior to writing a historical. For a new historical series, I will spend six months to a year reading and researching all I can about the person, historical setting, and politics of the time. I do much of this through books and articles, but I also rely heavily on historical documents. In the case of the Emily Dickinson Mysteries, Emily’s poems and letters were essential. Before I even wrote one word of the first book, Because I Could Not Stop for Death, I read all of her poems and I listened to them too when I was running. Just word of warning. Poetry is not conducive to running a fast pace.
But when the research was done, the writing process I use for contemporary novel or a historical novel remains the same. I start with learning the main character’s voice. I do that by free writing around fifty pages. When I think I got the sound and temperament of my protagonist, I start to craft the mystery. However, I very much write by the seat of my pants, so even at this point when I am close to one hundred pages in, I still have no idea who the killer is. I create suspects all along the way, but it’s not until I’m at the very end do I find the killer. In actuality, my main character and I very much solve the mystery at the same time. This works well for writing amateur sleuth mysteries in the first person like I do. My protagonist doesn’t know what’s happening, and that’s very true for me, the author, too.
Whether it’s contemporary or historical mysteries, the same rules, murder, suspects, clue, red herrings, and compelling characters, apply. To write historical mystery make sure your historical details are right but never get too bogged down on them that you are dumping historical facts on the reader. Writing a compelling mystery no matter what time period it appears is the goal.