To Die But Once
Jacqueline Winspear
"The boy had not had a day without a headache in weeks."
"The troubles with binge drinking had always been manifold."
"There hadn't been a suicide note. The victim remains resolutely tight‑lipped, stone‑cold silent; the best and the worst witness of her end."
"Fiona glanced up and watched him. It was hard not to, she had to admit."
"It is easy to take liberty for granted when you have never had it taken from you."
"No one imagined Steve Parker would ever do the deed, though his suicidal threats were well known to his entourage, and to the members of Pearl Harbor, who spent every day in his company."
"Change. When you can’t run any more, when you don’t make your way home, or even know where it is—sooner or later change is the only road to travel, he was absolutely convinced of that."
"She stared at what she had written, subconsciously aware that a mistake had been made but not seeing it at first. It looked so right, somehow: I hope that all is hell with you and Douglas."
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