James Rollins
"Gray chased after him, pausing only long enough to pull a SIG Sauer P365 from an ankle holster."
"Gray chased after him, pausing only long enough to pull a SIG Sauer P365 from an ankle holster."
"At the front desk they told him she was in the ICU but when he got there they told him she'd been moved to the third floor, and when he got up there the girl at the desk said visiting hours were over and she was sorry but there was nothing she could do, he'd have to come back in the morning."
"As I stare at the laptop in the unnaturally quiet classroom, I feel kind of anxious."
"The pregnancy, which was horrendous. Not like before. Not like the first time. Somehow with Emily everything was different."
"The first days passed in silence and intense cold. No stove, no fireplace was able to relieve the dampness in the dwelling or heat it sufficiently."
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