"Eight Game-Changing Tips on Public Speaking"
Sheena Kamal
"I’m talking about the little details. I’m talking about the drips of money that have become a nice, steady river into someone else’s pocket."
"I’m talking about the little details. I’m talking about the drips of money that have become a nice, steady river into someone else’s pocket."
"He had not liked Jack at first. He had already been in the CCC almost a year when Jack joined."
'"To think that she was murdered, it’s just too awful,” said Maki gravely, as they were having dinner. “She was a nice person. She even brought me an ice cream once."'
"We probably should have guessed something like that had happened when the ambulance screeched up and a pair of paramedics charged past us into the house."
"By six o'clock that evening, all the editorial staff were in turmoil."
"My name is Stephanie Plum, and my official title is bond enforcement agent. I’m assisted by Lula. We’re not sure exactly what Lula does, and we’ve never been able to come up with a title for her."
"In London the rain was steady and unceasing, as it had been for much of the preceding week, and it remained unseasonably cold."
"He stripped the body of its clothes, his mind tricking him into believing it was just another skinning."
"It was a vastly important branch, in some ways the most important branch of the FBI right now, as it took on myriad global threats against the United States. And here was its head guy dumped in a cc list on a case involving a dead mule."
"Even if that smile was heartfelt, there wasn’t the slightest hint of warmth in his eyes; Maud saw only cold calculation. That little goblet had aroused his greed."
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