Top Dog
Jens Lapidus, translated by Alice Menzies
"There was something off about the closet. Roksana didn’t know what it was, but it gave her bad vibes."
"There was something off about the closet. Roksana didn’t know what it was, but it gave her bad vibes."
"And yet, while nothing else disgusts him, neither blood nor gangrene nor shit nor vomit, Germain can hardly bear the sight of a corpse."
"Having finished his clumsy detective work, the man shook his head. Regardless of whether he or Yujin was the culprit, there was no way he could have blacked it out so completely, no matter how much he’d drunk that night."
"There were no dependent children separately identified as Stan Reacher. Not in Laconia, New Hampshire, the year he was supposed to be two."
"Compared to his living accommodations for the last five years, his plush, scarlet upholstered seat in the first-class compartment felt cozy and quite luxurious. Watching the lush green countryside blur by the window soothed him and cleared the cobwebs from his head."
"On this day we made landfall at the Island which has no name and is not marked on any map."
"Some days, like people, were assholes. For Agent Rachel Ward, the eighteenth of May was the biggest asshole of them all."
"Another year of my life . . . wasted. All that work. All that time I’d devoted when I could have been doing something else. Something more productive."
"After what felt like many minutes of walking, I stopped. I thought of calling out to Captain Jane or the first-folk man or anyone at all but could not make my lips move."
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