Patricia Cornwell
"In her late 40s, she looks younger and more fit than she deserves, and it isn’t fair."
"In her late 40s, she looks younger and more fit than she deserves, and it isn’t fair."
"Andrew was entering his third month of unemployment when he sat down at his computer and opened the inbox of his LinkedIn account."
"A skeleton walked in Gorky Park. Supported by rods and wires, it followed the whim of a technician manipulating a remote control."
"For five days I resisted the temptation to return to Oggebbio, where it seemed I’d scented one of the lake’s many hidden mysteries"
"Police Inspector Hargreaves of Wickham’s Criminal Investigation Department loomed over me as I sat on the edge of my chair."
"The term Acela Corridor refers to the run of states, cities, and municipalities between Boston and Washington, D.C., that lie along the route of the high-speed train service, the Amtrak Acela."
"Hugh, cloaked in righteous indignation as well as a measure of true sorrow for Lady Love’s demise and his usual desire to see fair play, was happy to go along with the plan."
"Have you been in this part of the country before?” the taxi driver asked as we approached Barnsley for the first time."
"Ask Nick the place for Saturday night culture, and he’d tell you it was Clune’s Theater before you completed the question."
"There he was again, smoking a cigar in front of the Infant Incubators."
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