You Again
Debra Jo Immergut
"I saw myself last night."
"In Half Moon Street, just as she came near to the house, Esther Tull felt the first gentleness of the snow."
"Iris Pollitt sits in her car, in her closed garage, hands on the wheel, thinking: Danielle is dead. Really dead."
"The sun wouldn’t show up for at least another hour, but Nico got out of bed, shrugged on a T-shirt, pulled on a pair of shorts and socks, and laced up his sneakers."
"Strolling the deserted streets of Madrid at that hour of indecision—when everything is on the verge of happening but nothing yet has—redeemed the city, concealing its misery, creating a false sense of benevolence."
"When Alice closes the door on their bedroom that night, Michel goes to his study, throws his book on his desk, gathers up his papers, and paces up and down."
"The jeweler’s is part of the maze of pedestrianized streets, so I leave the bike in the usual car park and start the short walk there."
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