Maurizio Giovanni
"As he strode along at a brisk pace, Giorgio Pisanelli acknowledged the greetings of almost all the people he passed with a smile or a nod of the head."
"As he strode along at a brisk pace, Giorgio Pisanelli acknowledged the greetings of almost all the people he passed with a smile or a nod of the head."
"'Yes, hi. This is Lieutenant Florence Sibley, University of California PD, badge twenty-eight.'"
"There were five of us, the Tutti Fruttis: Tarabeo, Muñeco, Duque, Píldora, and yours truly, this humble servant, people call me—or, I’m called—Hobbit."
"Have you ever seen anything like it?"
"In Half Moon Street, just as she came near to the house, Esther Tull felt the first gentleness of the snow."
"Iris Pollitt sits in her car, in her closed garage, hands on the wheel, thinking: Danielle is dead. Really dead."
"The sun wouldn’t show up for at least another hour, but Nico got out of bed, shrugged on a T-shirt, pulled on a pair of shorts and socks, and laced up his sneakers."
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