Lost Hills
Lee Goldberg
"The northern stretch of Mulholland Highway ended in a T intersection with Mulholland Drive."
"The northern stretch of Mulholland Highway ended in a T intersection with Mulholland Drive."
"Vern often thought of the old days, when dragons had ruled decent patches of the earth from high in their eyries."
"Two light knocks and these words: Nibble, nibble, little mouse! Who is nibbling at my house?"
"Winter, two a.m., and a Santa Ana wind was scouring Los Angeles."
"Tapping the side of a champagne flute with a cocktail fork to rouse the attention of a room brought Claudine immense pleasure."
"If you want to know how the local sports teams are doing, but aren’t curious enough to read a paper or watch TV, swing by the Coleman A. Young Municipal Center."
"One of the endless dilemmas we face as law enforcement in Rockton is also one I faced as a homicide detective down south."
"So we’re supposed to sit here and wait until that asshole and his son feel like turning up? Why the hell didn’t you stand your ground and bring the boy in?"
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