The Butcher of Casablanca
Abdelilah Hamdouchi
"The street that led to the crime scene was broad and almost empty."
"The street that led to the crime scene was broad and almost empty."
"'Two bottles of wine against cholera,' she said to the shop assistant."
"A lamp on the bedside table casts a faint, pale light through its shade."
"She spent several hours preparing for her meeting with Harlequin and left the house in good time, in order to make her first gala promenade through the streets of Moscow without hurrying and give the city a chance to admire its new inhabitant."
"I don’t have any great ambitions for myself. It’s enough for me if the three of us can lead safe, healthy lives."
"Max reappeared a half hour later wearing a sponge robe and cradling a fruit-and-veggie smoothie."
"I told you about the room, didn’t I? The room with dozens of locks on it."
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