Djinn Patrol on the Purple Line
Deepa Anappara
"Our school is locked up behind a six-foot wall with barbed wire on top, and an iron gate that has a door painted purple."
"Our school is locked up behind a six-foot wall with barbed wire on top, and an iron gate that has a door painted purple."
"The nurse, Mrs Bibby, sits with her bad leg on an upturned bucket."
"One summer evening, my mother had made peaches stuffed with tuna, which we ate on the blue stone terrace overlooking the garden."
"The tide was coming in, the wind had picked up, and the surf was beating against the shore with a little more energy."
"He pulled his cell phone out of his jacket pocket."
"'The police think I was at Mom’s house?' I asked Andrew, stunned."
"Chef Thompson ushered her across to the couch, then took a seat directly across from her. He met her eyes."
"Nick thought he could see the hazy pink peaks of San Marco. How could he have ever considered taking the bus?"
"Sebastian Creek’s shift was going long, involving an interview with a bottle-cut victim at the Spartanville emergency room and now a stop-by at Smitty’s Sportsbar where the fight had gone down."
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