The Lady in the Car with the Glasses and the Gun
Sébastien Japrisot
"I have never seen the sea."
"I have never seen the sea."
"Karissa arrived at the house on Harvard Boulevard at dusk and pulled into the garage."
"John slit the squirrel down the belly."
"At my apartment, I found that the package from my brother had not yet arrived."
"Up the stairs, I paused for a quick glance in the library—it certainly passed my muster—and then continued to my own flat, pulling the key out of my pocket."
"For most of her life, Maxine has assumed anyone who couldn’t get out of bed must be in the grip of a severe mental illness."
"The weather remains warm and dry, but overcast."
"Every time Anders tried to explain to her how he remembered things, or rather, how he didn’t remember them, how they were like white spots in his head, she just nodded at him."
"The sultan wasn’t sure what woke him up."
"Virgil spent the afternoon reviewing Trane’s work; the room was cool and damp and smelled like paper and floor wax."
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