"The Son-in-Law"
Teresa Solana, translated by Peter Bush
"And I reckon that’s what a mother’s for: to be around to give a helping hand to her children when they’ve got a problems. Whether they like it or not."
"And I reckon that’s what a mother’s for: to be around to give a helping hand to her children when they’ve got a problems. Whether they like it or not."
"Where did she learn to lie so convincingly?"
"And then, after a long hesitation or reluctance or uncertainty, the car starts moving again, toward the house."
"Ahab wasn’t very good at waiting."
"Anyone who lived in the neighborhood, even if they hadn't physically seen the scoundrel, they had at least heard of the man called, 'Keisei Sabu.'"
"It was a mob, but not yet a full-fledged riot."
"Next time I’ll teach you how to die."
"The knock at the door was loud and peremptory."
"There’s nothing more pleasant, when you have nothing to do, than to have a snack in the morning and sit looking at the sea."
"Looming constantly to their left is Black Diamond Fall, whose headwalls are built up from ice melt that has gathered layers of snow; the slope looks almost vertical in places, dark dashes of rock to be avoided at all costs."
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