Run For Your Life
Silvana Gandolfi
"Two days after the race a friend of his father’s arrived in Tanduzzo: Pasquale."
"Two days after the race a friend of his father’s arrived in Tanduzzo: Pasquale."
"The woman held Greg Carver’s front door open for the paramedics."
". Impossible to say for sure in black and white, but the likelihood of Johnny Dornan climbing up into the saddle ever again was growing dimmer by the minute."
"Sherlock Holmes and I stood shoulder to shoulder, gazing down sadly at the tiny charred corpse."
" Every single piece of evidence went against him, and the sum of the evidence was a death sentence."
"Gideon Crew sat in the fourteenth-floor waiting room of Lewis Conrad, MD, restlessly drumming the tips of his left fingers against the back of his right wrist, waiting to find out whether he would live or die."
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