From A Dark Horizon
Luke McCallin
"It had been Russia, and she had not been a farmer’s daughter, but she had been flaxen."
"It had been Russia, and she had not been a farmer’s daughter, but she had been flaxen."
"In the summer of 2015 a rough beast slouched out of the shadows and into the waking nightmares of an unsuspecting world."
"This is when she befriends Ted Bundy (of all people)."
"Grady turned his attention to the landscape on his right."
"Cherry Street ran between Main and Harvard, a short, narrow street clogged with police vehicles, fire trucks and an ambulance, painting the night red and blue."
"'Jordan, we’re live in sixty,' said Tracy Klein, my favorite field producer, nudging me to get into place."
"Ariel awakens, alone."
"Terry Tice liked killing people. It was as simple as that."
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