Dark Video
Peter Church
"It was when I was at university that I had first started working on fiction, ambitious projects full of deep wisdom and literary allusions, that no one wanted to read, much less publish."
"The temperature on cap’s dashboard read 84, but the high dew point was the real killer, the thickness in the air."
"The sound of the engine increased to a roar as it passed overhead and then as suddenly ceased."
"Copenhagen Police investigator Jeppe Kørner splashed water on his face and looked at himself in the mirror on the tiled bathroom wall."
"At breakfast the following day the Bennetts invited Sinclair to accompany them to church later that morning."
"I’d known Brett Ellison for almost thirty-three minutes when we reached the service elevator."
"Sofia makes her way quickly along the wall and past the stairs, until she reaches a narrow closet door."
"The northern stretch of Mulholland Highway ended in a T intersection with Mulholland Drive."
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