How the Dead Speak
Val McDermid
"It was the smell that hammered home his whereabouts as soon as he woke."
"It was the smell that hammered home his whereabouts as soon as he woke."
"When the intruder triggered the motion-sensitive security lights in his son and daughter-in-law’s backyard just after 2:00 a.m., seventy-four-year-old in-somniac Vincent Lyle was doing what he was always doing at that unforgiving hour; namely, sitting in the conservatory trying and failing to read Jonathan Franzen’s novel The Corrections."
"I wrote to Rachel Somers as soon as I got home, boldly announcing my arrival the following week."
"“Well, boys,” Steve McClendon began, “I think we all know why you’re here.”"
"In the dim light of dusk, she’d lost sight of Robo, and she stepped up her pace."
"Detective Constable Kate Marshall was on the train home when her phone rang."
"The entrance to Horse Country in Warrenton, Virginia, bespoke established grace."
"Once in the taxi, Naemi leaned forwards, her elbows on her knees, her hands covering her face."
"In early October, the first of the Autumn storms Began in the late afternoon, with rumbles of thunder up in Normandy somewhere, then, by nightfall, the rain reached Paris, where it beat against the windows of the gray city and streamed down the channels at the edges of the cobblestone streets."
"Father Pat West stood on the hillside trail eating longan fruit and pondering sin."
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