A Deadly Divide
Ausma Zehanat Khan
"The vast machinery of law enforcement was put to work."
"The vast machinery of law enforcement was put to work."
"Yes, I have problems with being mistaken for a cop."
"This time the e-mail contained no words, only an attachment labelled betrayal.jpeg."
"Peter asked a few more questions about Embla and became noticeably interested when she told him about her work in the mobile unit."
"I love walking by myself in the woods."
"I’ve always resisted attributing prophetic qualities to dreams."
"He died in front of my very eyes, this strange and disagreeable gentleman."
"From the turnoff into the cul-de-sac, Bridget saw the lights on downstairs and up: that meant they were both home"
"Next morning, we rose early and, after breakfasting, rode the short distance to Hatfield Palace with Fowberry and his men. "
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