Mrs. Mohr Goes Missing
Maryla Szymickowa
"'Two bottles of wine against cholera,' she said to the shop assistant."
"'Two bottles of wine against cholera,' she said to the shop assistant."
"“The DVDs are in there. I had three made. The reels were copied in the same order in which they were shot.”"
"Jordan Russo swung the passenger door open and leapt from the moving car."
"At the same time, inside a falcon mews on the sagebrush prairie outside of Saddlestring, Nate Romanowski firmly grasped a pigeon in his left hand and twisted its head with his right, producing an audible snap."
"Two motorcycles had pulled alongside them now, one on each side."
"I was marched through a foyer packed with police officers standing in groups, looking at maps and talking on phones, the seating area and a huddle of tall tables completely swamped by blue uniforms."
"For her fifth birthday, Robin Lockwood received a magic kit with one hundred easy-to-learn tricks and proceeded to “astonish” her parents and brothers whenever she could trap them."
"It was the night of the ball and Lockwood had come alive."
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