The Catholic School
Edoardo Albinati
"The story I'm about to tell now will clarify (or perhaps further confuse) the dynamic of an episode described many pages back in this story."
"The story I'm about to tell now will clarify (or perhaps further confuse) the dynamic of an episode described many pages back in this story."
"Everything that happened in western Montana happened in one of the valleys between mountain ranges."
"The clear glass table meant that I had to work extra hard to stop my knee from jerking up and down."
"So I allowed Zou Zou to kit me out for the garden party."
"Drex stepped out of the shower and reached for his ringing cell phone, which he’d balanced on the rim of the sink."
"“Everyone scram! This is a crime scene!” yelled Chief Badger. “You’ll trample the evidence! Beat it. Scoot. Skedaddle! Everyone, step back!"
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