Dacre Stoker and J. D. Barker
"By the time one particular week came to a close, I would be healed, our dear Nanna Ellen would be gone, and a family would be dead."
"By the time one particular week came to a close, I would be healed, our dear Nanna Ellen would be gone, and a family would be dead."
"It was not until several weeks after he had decided to murder his wife that Dr. Bickleigh took any active steps in the matter. "
"It’s a hand. A human hand, just below the surface of the water."
"The hotel lobby had dark shiny floors and anonymous décor, a single waistcoated teenager on reception."
"Jacob’s Island was a warren that the ordinary Londoner would be utterly lost in, frightened, disoriented, always afraid of the rising tide."
"Sports, women, family businesses, ski trips to the Alps, powerful relatives who ran multimillion dollar companies. Who were these guys?"
'“You’ll do,” he said. “I read your credentials very carefully. They are really—splendid.”'
"Three blonde PR girls with iPads stood behind a velvet rope, slowly checking people in."
"I was a stranger in a strange land, and my backup was a legless, blind humpback and his Coke‑bottle‑lensed, Caddy‑driving nephew, neither man instilling a great deal of confidence."
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