We Know You Remember
Tove Alsterdal, translated by Alice Menzies
"Riccardino had been right: It was going to be a beautiful day. Just not for him. But none of it mattered anymore in the least."
"One lovely dawn in late August, the sun was cresting the tops of the distant hills to pour its golden light over the forest."
"Lord Ruthven wanted him killed during this tennis match but Darnley said no."
"At that time of night, there was peace."
"You couldn’t have asked for better weather."
"They landed about forty-five minutes later at a remote section of Hunter Army Airfield."
"The dead man lived up the hill. We could have walked, if the world wasn’t ending and we didn’t have to bring him back."
"The telephone rang, waking Captain Marianne Augresse with a start."
"It was a Monday morning in September, on the beach, when it all began."
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