Come to Light
Paul Madonna
"It’s after midnight when I arrive home."
"It’s after midnight when I arrive home."
"The eerie ululation of coyotes on the hunt issued from the farther end of the canyon, and a scrim of cloud diminished the moon, so that the silvered yard grew tarnished."
"Family. Shecky Keenan once thought he’d never have one."
"Two days later, the kid comes back. Since the day has brightened up after a rainy start, Cal and his desk are back out in the garden."
"He found himself in a clearing beside a thicket of chestnut trees."
"'You’re already asleep,' Lettie said quietly."
"Rabbits always had trouble differentiating between humans."
"Killing someone is easy. Hiding the body, now, that’s usually the hard part. That’s how you get caught."
"Freedom did not come the day a jury exonerated Charles Jenkins of espionage and federal judge Joseph B. Harden declared him “free to go.”"
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