No Room at the Morgue
Jean Patrick Manchette
translated by Alyson Waters
"We took the Toronado that was waiting on the muddy path, a short distance from the garden that had gone to seed."
"We took the Toronado that was waiting on the muddy path, a short distance from the garden that had gone to seed."
"So much for the rainbow bridge."
"The house was a fish out of water for the setting, a split‑level mid‑century modern with a backward‑slanting roof and casement windows offering a spectacular view of the Madison Range, if only a sliver of the river itself."
"As I was on my way to teach class and listened, in the hallway, to the soft buzzing of laughter and voices that you always hear before entering the classroom, I thought that the students must know everything I was thinking and that their network of informants and interpretations was impeccable."
"It’s past midnight and the lights along the pier are jumping points of static, reflected in silver glimmers on the sea."
"On a Tuesday, Denny woke up shivering in the passenger seat of his LeBaron."
"What remained of “Bad” Boyd washed up on the beach at Ship- wreck Point on a pretty morning in the middle of May, three days after anyone in Deception Cove last saw him alive."
"Rhoda stumbled to Mercy’s side, dropping to her knees beside her daughter."
"The city of Bath isn’t all about Roman plumbing and Georgian architecture."
"Back at the hotel, Serene ran the bath for Anika Selam and gave the slender young women one of the hotel’s comfy white bathrobes."
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