Josh Malerman
"If Tom hadn’t left his sweater in his locker, if he hadn’t gone back to get it, and if he hadn’t passed the main office on the way, the whole dark night might’ve been avoided."
"If Tom hadn’t left his sweater in his locker, if he hadn’t gone back to get it, and if he hadn’t passed the main office on the way, the whole dark night might’ve been avoided."
"To be straight, I never thought they were going to find you."
"The Place de la Cathédrale was packed with tourists."
"Qiao Hongmei stood before the mirror, posing the way he’d described her, with her weight on one leg."
"As an adult, Miles had always lived alone."
"As she was approaching Skálar, fog rolled in without warning, blotting out the landscape and merging sea with sky."
"She limped a little as she went down the hall."
"'In fact,' my sister murmured without looking my way, 'it made me think of someone. I had an...encounter, years ago, didn’t I ever tell you? Something happened to me.'"
"From Monsters by Barry Windsor-Smith."
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