Dead Collections
Isaac Feldman
"Someday, I will write all this down."
"'He’s dead! He’s dead!' Dougie Tennant was squatting on the ground near his petrol pumps, rocking back and forth."
"I was tired at work the next day, because I’d stayed up later than I should have, working on the Book of Cold Cases."
"She jerked up in bed, wide awake, breathing hard and fast."
"Through the classroom’s grimy windows, Eleonor watches the bushes and trees bend in the stiff breeze as dust is blown along the road."
"In a world of excess, nothing exceeded expectations like Elias Vicker’s Fire Rites of Beltane, the legendary stag party he held every year on the first Tuesday of May, just as spring buds were bursting into the brightness of just-opened leaves, lending midtown streets a transitory illusion of innocence."
"The three men came stumbling into town shortly after ten a.m., babbling of dark shapes and eerie screams and their missing buddy Scott and other missing buddy Tim."
"A cramped room in a rundown mountain lodge, and on the desk a manuscript, left open to page one, as if it had been waiting here for ages to be read."
"She's dead. And one should not have thoughts about the dead."
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