Foul is Fair
Hannah Capin
"'You chose the perfect boy,' says Summer, after school."
"By the time of this third encounter with Evelyn Carson, Warren had studied a rap sheet Styles Janowski had dug up for him, Styles being a retired Oceanside investigator who owed Warren many favors and creamed his pants sniffing into other people’s business."
"A lamp on the bedside table casts a faint, pale light through its shade."
"She spent several hours preparing for her meeting with Harlequin and left the house in good time, in order to make her first gala promenade through the streets of Moscow without hurrying and give the city a chance to admire its new inhabitant."
"'NO, YOU CAN’T have your travel expenses covered as a freelancer if it isn’t agreed beforehand. How often do we need to tell you, Joan?'"
"Cotton fled the smoky chapel through the side door and entered a small anteroom."
"'Let’s roll,' he said when he saw me, and that was it for conversation, which was fine by me."
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