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Hanna Bervoets
"My first real working day at Hexa was a Tuesday."
"My first real working day at Hexa was a Tuesday."
"His flagrant violations of our tobacco rules made it seem like he was trying to get caught. Or he was bad at being bad. Not like me."
"As soon as Agneta’s daughters had left, everything became urgent."
"It's said that Building 46 has a—complex history. Very complex"
"The funerals were held yesterday and because Mom didn’t want Fran, Robin or Alex to see the people crying and carrying-on, she asked the Olyphants to drop them off at our house and then pick them up on their way home."
"We don't like to use the word 'test.' We find it causes undue stress."
"She was curious at this invasion, this newest plague to strike the camp."
"Carson’s smile that afternoon was not charismatic, it was dangerous."
"For almost a year after he was shot, Stride didn’t miss his job."
"'Adeena, can you please shut that off? If I have to listen to that Mariah Carey song one more time . . .'"
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